Friday, February 17, 2017

McQueen Lake Trip list

Personal Equipment List
Overnight Trip

The following items are recommended and should be well labeled. When choosing clothing, please keep in mind that McQueen Lake is at a higher elevation than Kamloops so the temperature will be much cooler in the evenings and mornings. At this time of year we could encounter any type of weather, including very cold.

__ warm winter jacket
__ snowpants
__ underwear, socks, pants, sweater, and thermal underwear and socks
__ waterproof winter boots for hiking, snow-shoeing (not suede or canvas)
__ hat, mitts (more than one pair), if cold include a face mask, scarf, etc.
__ pj’s and/or sweat suit­

__ warm sleeping bag or 2 thinner bags, or bag plus wool blanket
__ pillow
__ foam sleeping mat
__ flashlight (there is no power in the cabins)
__ knife, fork, spoon, cup, plate, bowl - all clearly labeled with name
__ non-leaking water bottle
__ towel, face cloth, toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, comb (in labeled
container ie. Ziploc bag) that will remain in washroom storage area)
__ garbage bags for : laundry, wet clothes, sleeping bag
__ cameras (optional and at owner's risk)
__ backpack or bag in which to carry equipment
__ optional: playing cards, journal, books,
__ bagged lunch for the first day
__ closing clipboard, pens, pencils

NO: - music devices, cell phones, electronic games - we are trying to commune with nature in a social manner.

- candy, gum, knives, or matches on site.